War of Attrition
Michael O'Leary's great Cheltenham performer is set to star on the big stage again at this year's festival. While facing stiff competition and the weakness of advancing age, War of Attrition has delivered in the past and has little left to prove.
As they return from meeting with President Obama on St Patrick's Day, the name of this superb horse is a reminder to the First Ministers in Northern Ireland of the short-term and longer-term pressures they will face in reviving our structurally untenable, long-neglected and currently weakening economy.
To the relief of most citizens, the Hillsborough agreement is fully in place and "normal" politics can begin to operate in this region for the benefit of all its people.
That is, the politicians - all of them - must now take responsibility and address the true economic realities facing Northern Ireland.
The War of Attrition against the economic wellbeing of the population arguably started with the havoc of the Troubles. While structural effects have since been repaired and the reputational damage is fading, the legacy is an unbalanced, dependent, essentially insolvent economy with a relatively weak private sector.
Up to now, despite repeated warnings by economists and commentators, politicians and people have either occupied themselves by focusing on partisan political posturing or thanks to the credit, property and retail boom, underpinned by seemingly reckless government generosity, deluded themselves that life would continue to be financially OK.
But while these delusional diversions should be all over now, denial is still widespread and evident throughout our society. The war of attrition still threatens.
War of Aggression
There is an urgent need to create a completely new paradigm for action to meet this war of attrition facing our economy. Our current approaches, including the Barnett report even if it were fully implemented, only scratch the surface.
The war is real and demands a War of Aggression in response. The First Ministers must give a lead.
100/1 against the First Ministers and Executive leading the creation of a new War of Aggression initiative.
200/1 against an initiative reaching a conclusion within 2010.
300/1 against a material initiative being implemented by 2012
400/1 against "War of Aggression" ever happening
Sadly, on past form War of Attrition looks like the bet!